NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg  
NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg

Goodbye Norway - hello Scotland

ئېلان قىلىندى: 01.06.2018

31.05. - the day has come. We are flying over to Scotland today. After all ferry connections from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark to the UK were discontinued years ago, the only option left was the airplane.

We had booked the flight from Bergen to Inverness in Scotland online. It was supposed to be a plane from the Scottish airline Loganair. I had never heard of it before.

We arrive at the airport three hours before departure. Two hours before departure, we check in at the only check-in counter for the airline, of course with our fully loaded bikes in hand. The first question from the lady at the counter is, "Wait, you have bikes with you?" Apparently, this is very rare. A second lady is called up... some hustle and bustle ensues, and a third lady is consulted regarding the cost of the "extra baggage". In the meantime, the airline has opened a second counter because we have occupied the first one completely. It takes almost a whole hour until we have everything sorted out, at least the luggage is through. We have to take the bikes and the trailer to a separate room, let the air out of the tires, remove the pedals, straighten the handlebars, done.

We go for a relaxed coffee, there is still plenty of time until the flight... even a refill coffee is possible... then we hear our names through the loudspeakers... a glance at the board... our flight has already completed boarding. We walk through the halls to the terminal... passport control takes time, but then we reach our terminal, and two nice ladies show us the way... at the end of the terminal, we have to go down the stairs and... we are outside! Just around the corner, we see our plane... wow... it's a bit small... but no time to think, up the stairs, a nice lady takes us directly to our seats. Buckle up, the plane starts up... here we go, Scotland. We're already on the runway, I think the plane is a bit loud and shaky, but then we take off with good visibility. Coffee is free, after an hour we're already starting the descent... The airport looks very small from my perspective... nevertheless, we land safely. The airport is small down below as well.

We made it to Scotland!!
