14. Etappe "Ustyurt National Reserve"

ئېلان قىلىندى: 06.06.2024

Today was departure day again. Adam had to go to Uzbekistan and I wanted to go to Ustyurt National Park. My plan was to at least get close and find out on site whether and how it might be possible to get into the park. The journey to Senek was completely problem-free. But it ended in Senek itself. The journey would have only been possible at walking pace on unpaved roads. That would have meant at least one night in a tent and in the park. As a solo traveler, that didn't seem like a good idea to me. I decided to drive back to Zhanaozen and look for a way to join a guided tour there. On the way back I noticed a signpost to Shopek Ata, an underground mosque. The way there was characterized by an extremely interesting landscape. The area of the mosque was largely dominated by the cemetery there. The people who apparently look after the area invited me for tea and food. A nice gesture. I was still looking for a way to get into the nature park. The information I received, however, was very sobering. No towns, no accommodation, no gas stations. But instead almost endless expanses. I then drove a little further towards Betek Ata, before heading back to Zhanaozen. There I found a very nice hotel and decided to stay. Tomorrow I'm going to Shetpe, from where I'm planning further trips into the area.


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