
15.01.2016 Blue Mountains

ئېلان قىلىندى: 07.05.2019

lots of hiking

from Sydney we drove a bit into the 'hinterland' to hike through the Blue Mountains.

The Blue Mountains are known for their wonderful walks and viewpoints. The 'three Sisters' are the most popular spot here. Not far from the Blue Mountains, we stayed for the three days on the 'Murphey Glen Campground'. It's a free campground right in the forest. Although we were woken up every morning by the cockatoos right at sunrise :-D, we could still sleep afterwards.

During the three days, we definitely hiked about 30 km on and around the Blue Mountains. It was definitely challenging but also really beautiful. We had amazing views that you simply can't see by car!

Unfortunately, it rained a bit on the first day, but it wasn't too bad because we were protected by the trees the whole time being in the mountains. Unfortunately, Mike's rain jacket got a little torn on a fence that day :-(.

It's somehow unbelievable that we're already heading towards Melbourne.. time has really flown by so far..

We plan to call Bernd and Michelle from Scarborough and ask if we can stay with them and work on the weekends during the time when we sell our car in Perth. It will definitely be a sad farewell to our car.

Also, we're already planning a bit for our stay in New Zealand, which is really difficult since we don't have a specific date yet for when we'll leave Perth. It's also difficult because we can't buy a car there, but instead have to rent one and therefore need to plan exactly how long we want to spend on the North Island and the South Island. Well, well, nothing is easy. But we're really looking forward to New Zealand and especially to the filming locations of Lord of the Rings!!! =)


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