

ئېلان قىلىندى: 07.05.2017

On Wednesday we finally continued... After the girls had changed their plan to cycle to Vienna, we decided to ride the 5 Rivers Cycle Path to Kelheim. After 84.75 KM, we found a campsite on a farm and set up there...

After a good portion of tortellini with ricotta sauce and 2 bottles of wine in the evening sun, we slipped into our tents....

Thursday 4.5. (75.58 km)

The next day, we continued towards Freising.

Munich would have been over 130 km away and we didn't want to rush... so the plan was to ride comfortably towards Freising, so that we could ride into Muc on the Isar on Friday...

Well, unfortunately, Garmin (=a small onboard computer / navigation system) led us a bit too far east, so we arrived in Wolnzach after about 70 KM...the girls went shopping while Patrick fixed his FIRST FLAT TIRE!!....

The plan to find a nearby campsite failed, as there was nothing in the immediate vicinity....


But...the clouds kept getting darker until it eventually started to lightning...

So...change of plans...

We visited the nearest church and asked the priest for shelter :)

Priest Bräutigam offered us his garden, Maria the 'housekeeper' (from Portugal) decided that this would be unacceptable in this weather, and invited us to the rectory....

So we had a roof over our heads, a kitchen, and toilets for the rainy night....


Friday 5.5. ( 68.12 km)

The next morning, Patrick even received a blessing for the journey and a St. Benedict cross which he actually always carries :)

So, off to Munich....

After 25 km, we reached Freising, from where the Isar cycle path led to Muc....after a short shower, the sun came out again, so we could ride into sunny Munich around 15:00.

Since our paths would separate from here, we had one last Russian farewell and ate a 'little something' (=huge portions)

The girls unfortunately had to ride another 15 km through Munich to the other side, while we reached our destination after 3 km...CASA REUTER...

Here we had a welcome beer and lentils and Kaiserschmarren :)

Patrick: IIIII

Steffi: I 1/2

Saturday 6.5. (0 km)

After a hearty breakfast, we said goodbye to Franko and spent a fantastic, sunny day in Munich....

Karin and I quickly had to buy a pair of pants for me and the men enjoyed one or two beers at the Viktualienmarkt...then we continued on foot to the ENGLISH GARDEN....


Patrick: IIIIII 1/2

Steffi: I

Unfortunately, it is forecasted to rain and be cold again for the next few days...

Sunday 7.5.

It's 11 o'clock now and we're about to have breakfast...it's raining and we're not sure what we're going to do now...

Maybe we'll just wait out this crappy weather....You'll find out soon :)

جاۋاب (2)

Der "Alte" Mönch;)

Da wir der Patrick noch gläubig in seinem Alter 😅

ساياھەت دوكلاتى Germany