The Great Bike Tour Day 34: Rain

Басылган: 25.05.2022

I wake up at 6:00 a.m., want to leave, but private stress prevents me from going back to sleep. Somehow I can no longer stay in the hostel room, the tent is more familiar and although it's more work, it's easier since there is less space and less stuff to leave lying around. I received a voucher for breakfast, I should go to the bar in the small town. Ok, like every morning, I make myself half a liter of black tea, eat my muesli with yogurt and fresh fruit, pack my stuff and then go to the bar to get a coffee and a brioche con crema.

It's very foggy, the 160 meters altitude difference that Magliano Sabina is above the Tiber plain is enough that you can't see down from the top.

I'm making very good progress, the Dutch route is a dream in terms of scenery. How fortunate that I met Jan (seems like every other Dutch person is named Jan) in Assisi and took pictures of the corresponding pages from his book. It's overcast, in Germany I would say it's thunderstorm-like, again this unpleasant, strong southern wind, somehow fitting for my thoughts stuck in personal matters.

In Saxa Rubria, a suburb of Rome, a new challenge awaits me: an underpass with 20 steps down and up, there's no way to go around it, next to it is a 6-lane highway. I manage to go down quite well on my own, but I can't manage to go up, even with all my effort, but a young Roman, the first person who passes by, helps me as if it's the most natural thing. The alternative would have been: take the luggage down and carry the bike up individually.

After that, I am rewarded with the Tevere bike path, a two-lane, asphalted bike path that runs along the Tiber flood protection dam. The fact that it's raining doesn't matter, on the contrary, at least it's not so hot.

The campground is once again a refuge of Germans and Dutch and above all, what annoys me the most in Italy is missing: the constantly barking dogs.

Camping Flamingo, €19.45, sanitary facilities with classical music, WiFi and surprisingly quiet for a suburb of Rome. And from the nice couple from Regen in the Upper Palatinate in the camper next door, I even borrow a camping chair and a small table, unusual luxury.


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