Саубуллашу Антигуа һәм Гватемала шәһәре белән бер төн ;-) (дөнья турының 206 көне)

Басылган: 28.03.2020


This morning we were able to enjoy our rooftop chat with Irving one last time and as always it was great :)

He told anecdotes from his trip to Europe and was actually planning to fly to Germany again in May because he has friends there, but that's no longer possible because of Corona :(

He now has to see how things are going for him financially because there won't be any tourists for the next few months, although April is actually high season because Easter is big in the city and celebrated over several days.

Some accommodations will probably even have to close completely, which is a pity :O The President has announced an aid package, but how to get this money is unclear and Irving suspects that it is about corruption anyway and that maybe the 5- Star resorts lost a few Quetzales but nothing else happened -.-

We talked to him again for over an hour and then we spent the rest of the time on our cell phones and finally packing, as we always do lately.

At around 12:45 we went downstairs to say goodbye to Irving. If we ever come back to Antigua (because for some reason it turns out we are still touring Central America as a whole) we would definitely want to stay with him again as both his house and himself were just great < 33

We waited for our taxi outside on the street. As reported in the last blog, I was a bit nervous if everything would work out :p :D

At around 1:10 p.m. Jonas got restless and was about to go in to ask Irving if we could call the provider when the taxi finally showed up :)

For everyone who didn't read yesterday's blog: We wouldn't really care about the 10 minutes delay. After all, we are in Central America ;-) However, we only had a small time window to get to the capital before the curfew began^^

The drive to Guatemala City was much more relaxed than when we arrived, because the streets are much emptier due to Corona and we didn't even get stuck in traffic, although this is common practice here in the city center...

Around 2:00 p.m. we arrived in time for check-in at our accommodation, a hostel that is a 10-minute walk from the airport :)

The owner Roberto was super friendly again and particularly impressed Jonas with the terrarium, in which there is a python :O Since she is shedding her skin, she is only lying in the corner, but a small white mouse is also in the terrarium and enjoys it probably her last hours :o

Our room is small but perfectly fine for one night. The bathroom is huge with a rain shower and warm water <3

Since we still had a bit of time, we walked “around the block” and looked at the airport from the outside. It's completely empty and quiet there, which is pretty unusual for a capital airport ;-)

Back at the hostel we continued to chill and when hunger set in we ordered a pizza through Roberto. We still had 65 Quetzales cash (about 8€) so it was only enough for ONE pizza which we shared but hey – it wasn't as big as Little Caesar's but it was nice and thick and I couldn't even finish half of it, so I think Jonas was fed up too ^^

Now after the shower we let the evening fade away one last time. We have a TV, so maybe it will be local TV again :D

Tomorrow the alarm clock will ring at 6:00 a.m. and we should be at the airport by 7:00 a.m. Departure is scheduled for 9:55 a.m. and then off to the Dominican Republic – for refueling :D Around 5:00 p.m. local time, the onward flight to Frankfurt am Main follows, where we would then arrive Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. local time.

Let's see to what extent these times can (can) be met :D

The last evening of our trip around the world doesn't really feel any different than the last seven months, but when you consider that the adventure ends tomorrow, you're pretty broken :(

But then you hold on to the fact that you have already had sooo many great experiences and even with Corona and the restrictions associated with it, there is also a certain anticipation of going home, because there are people “waiting” there that we have often seen before missed a bit in between <3


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