
Альтутте бөтен җирдә

Басылган: 09.08.2020

Panorama tour

60 km around Neunburg vorm Wald. They have written about nature reserves and great views...

So, this morning we packed the bikes in the van and went to Güteland to start the route.

Unfortunately, the description is such that no ordinary person can find the way without navigation. Petra is glad that Mario has his navigation system with him, otherwise they would be driving in circles until evening.

Choose the Bavarian-Bohemian Friendship Path all the way to Schneeberg. This is difficult with the following signposting.

The bike paths are incredibly beautiful. Up and down the hills. We also ride along a stretch of a decommissioned railway line, when a castle appears high above us. Mario explains that the raised flag means that someone is at home and we absolutely have to take a small detour uphill to the castle. He promises ice cream and other goodies as a reward, and we pedal hard!

When we arrive at the top, we realize that the raised flag has nothing to do with the presence of the castle owners or that the castle owner is present and wants to be left alone today. Because there is no ice cream and the gate is locked.

As a reward, we can take a sip from our water bottle and speed down the rest of the way. We continue on the former railway line, the Bavarian-Bohemian-..... you know. By now, we have covered 2/3 of our route and pass through a small village. "Gartenwirtschaft geöffnet" (beer garden open) and there is also a restored McCormick tractor in the driveway - we don't need any more convincing - we get off the saddle, put on our masks, and go inside. Quickly, we get a drink and something to eat - Mario hopes that the story about the tower is finally forgotten by now. Better have another piece of cake. Satisfied, we ride the last 22 kilometers and pack the bikes back in the van. Actually, today we wanted to ride from Bavarian Schorndorf to Bavarian Althütte - Both exist in the Bavarian Forest! That would have been a joke. But the route is not particularly attractive and also too long for a day trip. But now, with the car, it's only 30 km away and we still want to make a detour to Althütte. A sign says Althütte 2 km, we go there, see the town sign, look for a place to stop... and in a flash, we are already outside again. After 500m, we find ourselves in a hiking parking lot that belongs to a mountain inn called "Gibacht". The host likes the fact that we also come from an Althütte. From him, we learn that Gibacht is an independent district with 3! residents. By the way, the Czech border is only 1400m away. A cup of coffee and then we make our way back home, over 60 km of cycling in the sun can make you tired.

