From idea, preparation and execution of a dream

Басылган: 13.06.2023

I'm Ines, in February 2022 I was infected with Corona. In addition, I had weeks of working from home. Bad mood and depression were programmed. I started to hike. Since I live right by the forest, it was no problem at all. Years of lack of exercise and mistreatment of my body became noticeable, after all, I was already 55 years old and weighed more than I should. While hiking...thoughts arise...what was I, what am I and what do I want to be. The psychological...IT...ME and SUPER-EGO... I wanted to travel as a child. Since I grew up in the GDR, the radius for traveling was very limited, but I loved going to summer camps, going on vacation with my parents and grandparents, and every time I had to go back home, I was unhappy, even though my home was really nice.

Oh well, I'm getting off track. Anyway, while hiking, the idea came to me to hike the Inca Trail in Peru. I've always wanted to do it, we've already been to Peru twice, we have friends there, unfortunately we never had enough time. The second time we had our daughter with us, she was only 4 years old at the time and it just wasn't possible then.

Said and done.... I talked to my husband. I couldn't convince my husband to fly to this beautiful country with me for a third time. He doesn't like flying that much, especially not for such a long time. What now? I absolutely have to do this, the idea has stuck in my brain and my heart and doesn't want to go away. Okay, I'll do it alone. So, it started. Saving vacation days, saving money, talking to my company, it should be 4 weeks long, so it's worth it.

Overnight, I stopped smoking. After all, I'll be at over 4000 meters, so I need my lungs. And I used to enjoy smoking. For the money I've saved now, I joined a fitness center. I was also too heavy. Quitting smoking wasn't a big deal. It wasn't difficult for me at all. Going to the gym was a different story and then losing weight... oh boy... But I did it. My body quickly remembered that it used to do a lot of sports and lo and behold, it was great. It was incredibly fun and it still is. I've lost 12 kg so far, it should have been 20 kg already, but dear Ines is not always brave. But I feel good and satisfied, so I'll just keep going.

Oh, I forgot to mention. In March, I went to the doctor to get a check-up. I also have high blood pressure, which has improved significantly now, so that had to be checked as well, I want to survive this thing. Then to the orthopedist, because of my knees... and there's the diagnosis... osteoarthritis and not a small amount of it. Then to the second doctor, exactly the same finding... now what? Is everything hanging in the balance? Can I start smoking and gain weight again? NO... I'm sticking to it, even with arthritis.

At the fitness center, I got advice on what to do best and I train accordingly.

Now it's June 13, 2023. Everything is booked, the flight, the domestic flights, the accommodations and excursions. I guess the excursions, except for the Inca Trail, would have been much cheaper if I had booked them on site, but now I'm already an 'older lady' and I need a certain level of safety. You have to book the Inca Trail at least six months in advance, otherwise you won't be able to go up/inside. Only 500 people are allowed on Machu Picchu per day. Then I also wanted a German tour guide. The trail takes 4 days and it's nice to be able to converse. My Spanish and my English are not the best, so I have to figure out how to get by during the trip. But I can smile, I have arms and legs and a translator :), it will be fine. I booked my accommodations through Airbnb and the nice people offered me all their help... things are going well...

Then the question arises, what do I need now? Hiking shoes, hiking pants, t-shirts, what is important, what is luxury, what else do I need to buy... I have decided to buy a liner that can be put into the sleeping bag, since I don't know how clean the rented sleeping bag will be, and a small inflatable pillow. I already have hiking shoes, they should be enough. I have hiking pants, t-shirts... all there... hiking poles... all there... I just need a backpack. I have one for the whole trip, but I still need one for the trail... a tricky thing... how big should it be... 30L or maybe 40L... hmmm. That's still bothering me a bit, but there's still some time left ;)

My tour will be as follows... Lima...Ayacucho... Cusco... Machu Picchu...Lima... Ica... Lima. From each location, I will then take tours, which will be described here later.

On September 7, 2023, it will depart from BER at 6:00 a.m. Cross your fingers for me :)

.Авап (6)

Morgen geht's also los? Oh wow, was bin ich aufgeregt...🤭

Und ich erst 🤣sitze gerade im Flieger


Liebe Ines, wir wünschen dir alles Gute und freuen uns auf Bilder und Reiseberichte, good luck, liebe Grüße Angela

Hallo liebe Ines, komm gut hin. Ich wünsche dir gutes Gelingen und jede Menge super tolle Erlebnisse. LG Katrin

Ich danke Euch allen :)

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