neuseeland | work and travel
neuseeland | work and travel

The first mountain climbing in NZ!

Басылган: 02.10.2016

When you summarize what Alex and I have experienced since my last post, not much comes to mind - okay, we bought a car - but otherwise we mainly fought the jet lag by sleeping intensively or just lying in bed because the Wi-Fi in our hostel is unfortunately too good. Well, Alex also had to deal with a cold, but I still think it's just an excuse to watch as many 9gag videos as possible...

Anyway, today we were a bit more active again, thanks to Alex's improved condition! Since some sun was forecasted for this afternoon (otherwise always cloudy with rain forecast), we decided to do a little outdoor activity: Climbing Mount Eden!

Mount Eden is a 196m high inactive volcano located relatively centrally in Auckland. It is also the highest natural elevation in Auckland, which is why you have a magnificent panoramic view of Auckland and its surroundings from its summit.

The favorable weather and the surprisingly good weather convinced marketing pro Alex to indulge in the art of photography to enhance his personal social media portfolio. Here's a little insight into his work:

Aspiring master photographer at work
Aspiring master photographer at work

After our work was done, we also had some time to enjoy. Due to the excellent view, Mount Eden is a popular spot for watching the sunset, which we were able to experience together with around 60 summit climbers (it would probably be more appropriate to call them summit drivers, as mainly Asians were present, who are known to drive up to the last centimeter to any sight). We also heard a lot of German - it's really hard to realize that we are actually in New Zealand because so much German is spoken. Only this view reminded us over and over again that we are really here...awesome!

The onlookers
The onlookers

The way back was a bit longer and more complicated (3 instead of 1 hour because we had to find a functional ATM), but it also helped us to sleep much better. :)

All in all, a great day with great impressions that definitely makes you want more!



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