Die Abenteuer meines Lebens
Die Abenteuer meines Lebens

Every adventure has a beginning & Mine started in Dubai

Басылган: 19.08.2020

In 2018, my wanderlust ignited. The first time consciously traveling (apart from the Egypt vacation with Mommy & Daddy ages ago) ... my girlfriend Alicia and I spontaneously went to Dubai. No idea what to expect, but the expectations were huge. Maybe too huge, as it turned out on the first day.

On March 5th, we departed from Berlin to Dubai late in the evening. My plan to sleep soundly on the night flight failed miserably. Was I too excited? Or was it just uncomfortable? In any case, sleeping was out of the question, unlike Alicia. She sat on her 4 letters & her eyes were already closed. Well, at least I could watch the sunrise over Dubai from the airplane.

At around 8 o'clock, we landed in Dubai and took the shuttle bus directly to the hotel. We drove through the city, past the huge skyscrapers. We stopped at one hotel after another to drop off the remaining vacation guests. After a 1.5-hour drive, we arrived at our hotel. It was quite far from the actual city. The construction sites became bigger and uglier ... hardly any skyscrapers. Our mood was in the cellar after the drive. This wasn't how we imagined our arrival and the hotel.
View from the rooftop terrace

But oh well. We hoped that at least our room would be nice and we could enjoy a beautiful view.

Checked in at the "Citymax Hotel", we were not allowed to go to our room yet because we were too early. So we had to drop off our things and go in search of food. Because after the long flight, our stomachs were already in a state of emergency. We were not allowed to have breakfast at the hotel at 10 o'clock that day ... arrival day after all. So we set off on foot to find something to eat. However, this turned out to not be so easy: Either the shops were still closed, we couldn't decipher the menu, or they didn't accept credit cards. After a long search, we finally found a restaurant where it was possible to pay with a credit card. So let's go in there. No idea what we ordered, but it was delicious !!

After our very hearty breakfast, we went back to the hotel. We still couldn't check in, but we were already allowed to go to the pool on the rooftop terrace. Surrounded by construction sites, we laid on the sun loungers and reflected on the first hours. We didn't really know what to think. Alicia was quite positive, but for me, it all needed a little more time.
Loud music & pretty construction cranes didn't make the first impression any better ...

At 3 o'clock, it finally meant moving into the room, unpacking our things & changing. And of course, enjoying the beautiful view from the hotel room ...

Pretty was something different ... but NEVER MIND. We spent the rest of the day at the pool. These first impressions had to be processed first. But in the end, we ended up laughing quite a lot. If the first adventure starts like this, it can only be good !! And luckily it was.

To be continued...


Берләшкән Гарәп Әмирлекләре
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