Hot Water Beach and Cathedral Cove

Басылган: 27.10.2018

After much back and forth, we decided to book a day trip to see Hot Water Beach and Cathedral Cove! We originally wanted to plan the trip ourselves, but it was too far from our hostel, so a day trip seemed like a good option.

We set off very early, at 7 o'clock, and were picked up by a relatively small bus (for 12 people). On the way there, we learned a bit about the history of New Zealand.

After a drive of about 1 1/2 hours, we made our first stop: Hot Water Beach!
My expectations were very high because the internet was raving about how cool it is to sit in your own dug hole, where hot water collects.
When we arrived, we were equipped with shovels and walked to the beach. However, the section of the beach with the hot water was very limited and crowded. We chose a spot and started digging. About 10 minutes later, we were sitting in it. In hindsight, I have to say that I had imagined the whole thing to be much cooler. I'm glad I saw and did it, but I don't need to do it again.

But after this little 'disappointment', we were very excited about Cathedral Cove. And what can I say, it was so so so beautiful!!! Just see for yourself, I don't know what else to say about it:

After the wonderful conclusion at Cathedral Cove, we headed back to the hostel. After eight hours of touring, we were very tired. We made ourselves some food and sat outside under the starry sky of Coromandel with a glass of wine.


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