Mein Auslandssemester in Mexiko
Mein Auslandssemester in Mexiko

09/08 - Introduction day for Internationals at the university

Басылган: 22.08.2017

After Melli and I had two days to settle into our new home, we already had our first day at the university.

The exchange students this semester
The exchange students this semester

After long presentations about everything important about Universidad Anahuac Mayab, our exchange semester, course selection, etc., we embarked on a rally to get to know the campus in sweltering heat.

Rally group photo in front of the
Rally group photo in front of the 'Anahuac A', the university logo

During the shared lunch and refreshing drinks, we recovered from the 'exertions' and were able to make changes to our course selection after lunch. With a stroke of luck, I managed to choose all the courses that I need to have recognized in Germany so that I only have lectures on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. For three free days during the week, I can bite the bullet ;-D

Conclusion of the day: The other exchange students are all really nice, and our exchange semester is well-organized from the Mexican side. So we are looking forward to the coming semester!

Welcome Fiesta
Welcome Fiesta

At the welcome party the next day, we exchange students not only got to know each other but also experienced a typical fiesta in Mérida with pizza, nachos, and beer by the pool.


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