
Before traveling to Amazonia

Басылган: 12.05.2017

I'm as excited as a spring. How will the trip go tomorrow? Will I arrive at the right place? What's the weather like down there? All weather reports indicate the possibility of thunderstorms in the evening, the temperature will not drop below 17 at night, during the day it should be around 28 - 30. From one extreme to the other.

Right now I'm packing, it's almost midnight here in Switzerland. You probably won't hear about it until Sunday, if at all. I have no idea what to expect there. All I know is that I can sleep and eat and that I'm going there to work. That's why it might be a while before you hear from me in this blog. I'll try to contact you at home via WhatsApp.

Today we will have a beer with the students and then say goodbye. We already did it at school this morning. I received a certificate stating that I have now reached level A2. Not bad, but it's not enough for me yet. Well, it's time for practice anyway.

Of course, I couldn't say goodbye without crying again. Sensitive! So that's how I am.

I will also say goodbye to my two host moms (have to!), and damn it, it won't be without tears. In the photo you can see Sra Martha on the left, she is the mother of Sra Paulina on the right side. I always liked the food, I usually have no problems with that, and the home was fine. I will probably visit them again after the jungle.

So, I have to pack. You'll hear from me again as soon as I find the first internet cafe in the jungle.
