Newcastle, Coffs Harbour and Byron Bay...

Басылган: 09.10.2019

Hello in chilly Germany.... we have left three more destinations behind us!

In Newcastle, we were able to watch the biggest sports event here live in a fantastic sports bar with burgers and beer! (Football)

The Sydney Rosters won the trophy!

We only understood the rules during the game, but no matter ;-)

Afterwards, we were able to observe various animals up close during short fishing stops... (giant turtles, stingrays in the harbor, and giant whales from land)!

Simply fantastic!

During the journey, we realized the natural disasters that Australia has to deal with during drought... huge wildfires are currently raging in the north of New South Wales and Queensland!

It can get dark on the highway even during the day, and people are on the way to safety with their belongings!

It's a scary feeling!

And in the scrolling text under the news in the evening, it says:


That's not exactly reassuring...

We are now in Byron Bay at the hostel, enjoying the social life and atmosphere here while cooking and hanging out at the bar in the evening...

Well, we are doing well and we hope that the winds will calm down in the next few days so that we can continue our journey without any restrictions!

Greetings Ines and Markus
