Trip to North Macedonia

Басылган: 08.07.2021

Our last stop in Greece was Edessa. The city is famous for its waterfalls, which are located in a beautiful park. The really special thing is that you can walk behind one of the waterfalls.

As we headed towards North Macedonia, the roads became increasingly empty, making us unsure whether the border crossing would be open. The many 'Beware of bears' signs on the road evoked a sense of wilderness.

We arrived at the border with a sense of unease, but were greeted very kindly. Passports and green cards were checked, and Corona was not even a topic. Next to us, a peacock was strolling across the border.

Our original destination was the small town of Bitola, which was pretty but very sleepy, so we continued driving through a beautiful wild valley to Ohrid.


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