
Australia-Brisbane our home for 3 months

Басылган: 03.05.2017

Hey Groupies ;)

We still don't have Wi-Fi in our new home but it's time for a blog post again! Once again at our beloved McDonalds :)

Where should we start?! We have been in Brisbane for almost a month now and we have settled in well. The city is also beautiful and has a lot to offer.

After some difficulties finding a job, as it is really crowded with backpackers, and mostly only fundraising jobs are available, Dennis was lucky and found a job as a cleaner. Lisa also started working there on the second day and now we clean a farmhouse an hour away from Brisbane during the week. On the weekends, we drive UETs, which are refrigerated trucks, with veggies from the farm to Brisbane and back for a weekend market. It's really dirty and disgusting, but these experiences are very good and our employers are really cool and laid-back! From the second day on, we were allowed to drive their BMW x5 and another car. Really cool job because we get paid for the commute (for driving the car :D)

In terms of housing, we lived in a hostel in the first week, which was really lively (comparable to a party hostel), so not for us anymore :P

So we found a new home (shared flat/accomodation) through a Facebook page and we were able to live there for half the cost... we lived there for another week with 4 other cool roommates, until we saw cockroaches there and ran away. Through a lucky find, we are now in a more expensive apartment which has been freshly renovated and has really great features like a dishwasher, bathtub, and a cleaning lady once a week.

Here we live with 5 South Americans now, 2 Brazilians and 3 Colombians. They are pretty crazy but really cool.

Many of the Brazilians don't even know the basics of English... really brave!

In our first own apartment, we also bought a mode of transport from German backpacker girls, which turned out to be a disappointment today. It requires a lot of money (which we don't have at the moment) and now we don't know what to do. Tip: Don't buy a backpacker car!

We have already experienced a lot of activities, but the absolute highlight was the Koala Sanctuary Lone Pine.

There we could see a lot of interesting animals including Dingos, Kangaroos, Wombats, and more!

We also went to the Eat Street Food Market which is only open on the weekends and offers everything, especially a paradise for candy fans like me and Lisa.

On May 13th, we will participate in the Roc Race which will be really funny. This is a 5 km run with some obstacles similar to taikashi's Castle. If you can't imagine what that is, watch a video on YouTube! Really cool...

So see you later people ;)


.Авап (3)

Moin Ihr Lieben! schön, dass wir mal wieder was von Euch lesen können ;). Die Bilder sind wie immer toll. Lustig find ich die Kuschelbilder mit den Kängurus. Total niedlich! und gut dass ihr umgezogen seid....Kakerlaken, bäh :D Euch weiterhin viel Spaß! sind sehr gespannt, was ihr noch alles erleben werdet u. zu berichten habt. LG

Glückwunsch zum Job, Auto und Wohnung und wir wünschen euch ganz viel Spass beim Roc Race....

Haha Lisi hast du dem Kangaroo auch die Köten gegrault?! Was macht der Koala da? Hat er dich angepiescht? Schöne Fotos Ihr Lieben. Alles Liebe von Eurer Katrine

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