
In search of the sun

Басылган: 12.10.2018

Since we set off in Sydney, the weather hasn't been very good to us. We initially drove inland to the Blue Mountains. Unfortunately, the mountains appeared to us to be more gray, foggy, and rainy than blue. After a very wet hike to the waterfall and a 4°C cold night, we continued to Noraville. A small town on the Pacific that we couldn't really enjoy due to the weather. For three days, we have been hearing from Australians, 'You're heading north? The weather will be better there!' So that's what we're doing and today we are in Port Macquarie. Here, we visited the Koala Hospital, where we could see the cute koalas 'in action' during feeding time.

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Die Koalas sind total süß. Würde euch gern aus Deutschland (heute 27 Grad) zum Abschluss eurer Reise Sonnenstrahlen schicken. Aber wenn ihr weiter nördlich unterwegs seid, tut sich vielleicht noch was. Toi toi toi

Es sieht alles so super aus, auch bei dem Wetter. Hoffentlich meint der Wettergott es nochmal gut mit euch