Grande Randonnée
Grande Randonnée

From Val Montjoie over Le signal, the Col du bonhomme, the Col de la croix du bonhomme, and the Col de la sauce to Cormet de roselend

Басылган: 04.09.2020

Day 2

Today we almost slept in. For breakfast, we had porridge with raisins and the collected Mirabelle plums. After drying the tents and packing our backpacks, we walked quickly to Les Contamines Montjoie to do some shopping before lunchtime. We bought a lot of things, so the backpacks were heavy again. After a nice lunch and a brief visit to the public toilets, we continued towards the cable car to Le Signal. At the mountain station, Simon, who is always hungry, got a portion of fries for a snack. The hike continued towards Col du bonhomme. It was drizzling on the way, and we saw many beautiful cows and a large flock of sheep, but Mont Blanc remained hidden behind clouds. We set up our camp at around 2250 meters above sea level. It was accordingly cold, but we still washed ourselves in the icy mountain stream. Later, a delicious vegetable soup warmed us up from the inside. At bedtime, the clouds disappeared, and the stars and moonlit mountains offered an excellent panorama...

Day 3

When we ventured out of our sleeping bags this morning, there was frost on our tents and the sky was steel blue. We had crunchy muesli with warm milk and coffee for breakfast before dismantling our camp with cold fingers.

When we were ready, the sun rose over the ridge, and we started in shorts, feeling slightly chilly, towards Col du bonhomme. On the way, we already saw some marmots. :)

We continued to Col de la croix du bonhomme, where we had a windy snack. This was followed by a magnificent ridge hike over the Crête des gittes, where we finally caught sight of Mont Blanc and were accompanied by eagles in the air.

For lunch, we had asparagus soup and dried our tents, sleeping bags, and clothes in the sun.

We then enjoyed a pleasant descent, and now we have set up our tents in a wonderful place above Cormet de roselend with a view of Mont Blanc.

After a laundry session in the cooking pot, we are looking forward to Crozets Savoie with lots of vegetables and an equally nourishing sunset.


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