Mount Wellington

Басылган: 17.02.2019

Despite the bad weather forecast, we decided to make our way to Mt. Wellington today. After having breakfast at the "The Springs" car park, we set off. A nicely laid out mountain trail leads through changing vegetation zones to the top. There are constant views of Hobart, the Derwent River, and the sea. However, when you reach the top, you have to share the beautiful view with many others because there is also a road leading to the summit 😳

On the way down, we walk along the eastern flank of the mountain below the "Organ Pipes". Here, we can calmly observe the climbers hanging on the vertical rock walls. Unimaginable!

Afterwards, in the late afternoon, we continue on to the Tasman Peninsula. At our campsite, we are visited by cute little pademelons at dusk.

.Авап (3)

Das neue Gefährt sieht deutlich wendiger aus! Und wir sind überrascht: Frau Maier hat ja Wechselwäsche dabei!

Ja, sogar viel zu viel. Am Ende braucht man nur ganz wenig.

Unser neuer Venturer ist deutlich kompakter. Wir müssen uns langsam an unser nächstes Gefährt herantasten...