Tag 9 - Weiter in Frankreich Richtung Bordeaux

Басылган: 24.05.2023

After a week of travel time, a routine is slowly starting to set in and we have become a good team. Simon and Greta are our early birds and Fridi is our night owl. When Simon is already making coffee and testing the showers, Fridi has fallen asleep again. The tasks are fairly distributed. Simon drives the car, Fridi and Greta set up and take down the tents, and I cook and pack the car. For the past two days, we have decided against a long breakfast together and limit ourselves to coffee and tea. Even Fridi manages to finish that and can participate in the joint packing action. Ha ha!

Today, we replenished our supplies and continued to the next Campsite L'estuaire near Sainte in the vicinity of Bordeaux. Lidel and Aldi are also represented in France.

Once again, a warm welcome! This time in an abandoned swimming pool. Chili for dinner, frog concert by the pool, and crickets under the tent.


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