Tag 108-109 Tripiti-Platia Peramata

Басылган: 25.10.2021

Yesterday, on our drive south, we often felt like we were somewhere in South America. At first, there were small villages connected by gravel roads. Eventually, it was just a gravel path in the middle of rocky mountains. After several switchbacks, we came across a short narrow gorge that we had to pass through. Shortly after that, we found a beautiful bay. Everything feels a bit wild here. Greek campers, some animals, and even 2 taverns are scattered around the place. It's still pleasantly warm for swimming at noon. Today we had tavern food again to support the locals. In the evening, a pretty strong wind came up, which lasted until the next morning. We continued driving through the rocky landscape along the coast. Again, almost all gravel roads today. Along the way, we stopped at a gorge that led down to the sea. Burki wanted to know if it was the bay where he went swimming with friends many years ago. I walked down and took some photos. After that, he was sure it was.

Today we also passed Lentas, which we both knew. In 1997, we were here during the Easter holidays with Aischa, Farina, and Robin still in the womb. There is still a bit of a hippie vibe, but the surroundings are not what they used to be due to development and many plastic-covered greenhouses. So we continued driving, unfortunately relying completely on Google Maps again without checking the map. Conclusion: Eventually, we came to a narrow hairpin turn and on the right was a fig tree blocking the path. We switched drivers, Burki turned the car around in this tight spot. One wrong move and he would have gone straight down the slope. Then we drove a little further and found a good parking spot.


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