The sobering morning after

Ku kandziyisiwile: 19.10.2017

We wake up early. How could it be otherwise with all the noise in the hostel. It's raining. It's going to rain all week. We don't feel like walking further to the coast in the rain. So we decide to book a flight back to Switzerland. After all, it's Olma! Time for a famous Olma sausage. In the afternoon, we meet Laura and Mya and it's really fun to have coffee and chat. For lunch, we go to a restaurant... I order something that sounds like cold roast... Yum. Unfortunately, I get ham. Ham! Drenched in bitter olive oil and paprika. As we leave the restaurant, still hungry, we pass by a bakery and I buy myself a huge chocolate croissant filled with chocolate mousse. That would be my last meal. So delicious! After a siesta, we meet up with Laura, Mya, George, and Kirsty. To celebrate and have dinner. After everyone had to order two portions (way too small portions), we go to a bar. We are bothered by a homeless pilgrim. He mooches cigarettes and beer from us. Then he stands behind us and does something similar to Klingon throat singing (like Sheldon in Bingbang Theory). When we ask him where he comes from, he doesn't know anymore and says there is only one country in this world and he has been a pilgrim for 13 years. Nevertheless, we have fun and are glad to be all together.

When I wake up, I realize that I have various mosquito bites on my body. It itches and it seems strange to me that Kay doesn't have a single bite. For breakfast, empanadas. Something like puff pastry pillows with various fillings. It's sooo delicious! After that, souvenir shopping and coffee. On the way, we meet familiar faces and it's nice to say goodbye to everyone. For dinner, I've been craving paella for days (a rice dish with seafood, fish, tomatoes, and saffron), and I really get paella. To our delight, we end up in the best restaurant in Santiago and the food is so, sooo delicious! The only thing that dampens the mood of the evening is the fact that I have bed bug bites and no mosquito bites. I feel very unhygienic and look forward to going home... Wash everything!
