On the road again
On the road again


Ku kandziyisiwile: 11.10.2018

11.10.2018 7days at billabong sanctuary.


This morning Kim picked me up and she was on time, like even earlier. Usually she shows up 5-10minutes late. But today she was on time because timmi woke her up early.

Timmi is the baby paddymelon that is currrntly being hand raised by the rangers. And Kim has to take care of him since Tabathea went on vacation. So that means timmi is on every car ride to the sanctuary and back to the hostel with us😁.

Today we started a little later so I was actually able to avoid most of the raking. I got to clean the bird enclosures again and spend time with the rainbow lorikeet.

It was already time for lunch were today I bought a bunch of nuggets with my sandwich. Also I am enjoying an icecold slushie everyday since those are free for the staff. Because let me tell you, its getting hot over here. No winter no autumn itd just getting summer. They must have a weird christmas here.

I continued with some food preperation and did some dishes. Later we went around and started to collect the trash. There was a lot lesd than normally. There also werent that many people. Since the school holidays are now over it is a lot calmer at the sanctuary. A nice change of pace and also a lot less screaming children.

We went into the forest to cut some eucalyptus branches for the koalas to eat. They had planted a few of them here as their natural plantation.

Later I went to ash, to pick him up and bring him back. I now figured out how to make him do a trick. Basically you have to show him some seeds and then say: 'Ash! Show wings!' While holding out your thumb and your pinky finger. Ahs reacts by shortly spreading his wings and red tail feathers, then you feed him a seed.

It took a little while to finish up for kim but then we headed to the city. While i was cuddling with timmi.

Back at the hostel I settled with some snacks today instead of a meal and went to bed after watching some videos.

My cough is almost gone, maybe tomorrow I will be rid of it, and I am still wearing my sunglasses inside.

Nhlamulo (3)

lief hoor, die Timmy! En de regenboog lori schijnt je zonnebril ook wel leuk te vinden;-) Wat is dat andere dier, die daar uit z'n hokje kijkt? lijkt wel een grote muis. Hoe gaat het met je zonnebrand, hopelijk wordt het al een beetje beter! Heel veel kusjes van mami XXXXXXX

Hoi Nick gisteren was ik weg, en te laat thuis om nog te schrijven. Blij dat je hoest ver weg is, die vogel die met je zonnebril aan het spelen is zeker ash? hier alles ok. Dikke Kus Oma

De dier die oiut zijn hokje kijkt is "blossum the possum" een de zonnebrill vogel is ciouti, de grote zwarte vogel is ash.