Reisefischer Kanada
Reisefischer Kanada

#36 April weather

Ku kandziyisiwile: 15.04.2023

Hello there,

Since many people have asked me how my Easter was, here's a little insight:


My "Easter" started with extreme wind. As I mentioned before, the weekends are always uncomfortable. The past weekends have been very cold and the Easter weekend was extremely windy. It was unbelievably loud, and the wind even woke me up on Sunday.

After breakfast, I noticed that our garage tent had been overturned by the wind. And just as I was standing there, a tree suddenly got uprooted and crashed to the ground right next to me. Then I had to check the horse fence, and with every gust of wind, I turned around 360° just to make sure that no tree would fall on my head. 😁 Throughout the day, the strong wind, accompanied by occasional rain, subsided, only to come back in the afternoon with snow. It was a really unpleasant weather day when all you wanted to do was stay under the covers. In the evening, Jenny planned to cook something special to at least create a holiday atmosphere, but then the power went out. You see, between the two major cities here (Williams Lake - Bella Coola, about 450 km apart), there is only one (!) power line that supplies electricity to all households along this route. So if someone accidentally knocks down such a power pole, all the people on this route will be without power. This happened appropriately over Easter, and we were without power for about five hours. It's quite interesting how often you forget that you don't have power. Every time I changed rooms, I automatically flicked the light switch, only to realize every time that we didn't have power 😅

So the conclusion is: Easter didn't exist here.

Otherwise, on Tuesday, I went to town with David. David had to fly to Vancouver to buy a new "toy" for himself, and I had an appointment. Since David had booked an early flight, I had some time until my appointment, so I strolled around in a park where various ducks, geese, and swans had settled, giving me a chance to try bird photography again. It was incredibly sunny and warm in Williams Lake, and I ended up completely sweaty on the way back home. On the way back, I saw a huge downpour on the left, which unfortunately came straight towards me like a white wall. So the super nice sunny and mild weather turned into a rainy and then snowy journey back. And David also had this same luck on Wednesday on his way back. Fortunately, we had a sunny day here at least on that day, so now I have my first sunburn.

Thursday was the highlight of April weather this week. It was like clockwork, and I was shown once again how the mountains here affect the weather and how they are really responsible for the clouds circling here. It was always the same. First, the sun came out, it became very warm, you took off your winter pants and jacket.... then the clouds came from the right, then it rained, then it snowed for about 30 minutes, and then the sun came out again. During this time, the clouds moved to the left, then over to the big mountain range (which I feel like I photograph every day 😅), from there the clouds moved to the right, then passed over us from the right, bringing new snow and rain, and then moved back to the left, and the cycle started all over again. Such a cycle always lasted between one and a half to two hours. Extremely annoying, because it was super warm in the sun, and as soon as it disappeared, it became super cold again. Of course, there was always strong wind as well. I also have to say that this weather makes me feel "sick." I already mentioned that I am a "weather person." When we had a brief spring here a few weeks ago, it was sooo nice. Pleasant temperatures all day long, even walking around in a t-shirt, and enjoying the sunset on the couch in the evening. But since this brief spring, winter has come back. It really affects my mood. All the time, there are these low clouds that bring either snow or rain + strong wind + cold temperatures. I just have absolutely no desire for this weather anymore and long for the real spring. And even though the sun is shining on my table right now, I still know that it's uncomfortable because the wind is so strong and loud again that I don't feel like leaving my cabin today 😁 Unfortunately, the weather forecast doesn't look much better for the next few days, with a 95% chance of rain.

The wind is also just super annoying at work, no matter what you do. Whether it's transporting wood, which offers a large surface area for the wind to attack, and therefore it's always exciting to transport the wood without getting pressed against something, or when you install insulation and cover it with a foil that constantly flies around you and gets torn off, and so on....

As you can see, the weather here is simply crappy at the moment. The only thing that slightly cheered me up was that a pair of bald eagles have settled here. Although I haven't seen them for a few days now. But oh well, they're just beautiful animals!

And the chipmunks are also increasing in number. They're just super cute animals.

Otherwise, the construction site continues, although some small problems keep popping up, but I just think my thoughts about them and better not speak them out loud 😁

Well... that's pretty much the end of the post. I haven't experienced much this week, so all I can do is complain about the lousy weather 😅

There are some news as well, but maybe I'll tell you more about them in a week or two (gotta keep the suspense up 😁😋)

Wishing you better weather this weekend.

Until then.



Swiviko swa maendzo Canada