Bogota - Colombia's capital at 3000 meters

Ku kandziyisiwile: 01.01.2018

From Cartagena, we flew to Bogota, which is 2 hours away. Just like in Medellin, I also did a Free Walking Tour here. For 3 hours, we followed our nice guide David through the city. We started the tour in front of the Gold Museum, the largest in South America. Then we visited Plaza de Botero, saw the National Theater, and some cool corners with the trendiest graffiti. Here in Bogota, there are professional graffiti groups and they do an amazing job.

In the afternoon of the second day here, I visited the Museo de Botero. Botero is by far the most famous artist from Colombia. All of his paintings and sculptures always look fat, but he has only shifted the proportions. By the way, the artist gets annoyed when people call his figures fat. ;D Even bananas look overweight in his works.

Enjoy the following photos. ;)
