Day 14/15 - Kuranda

Ku kandziyisiwile: 24.09.2023

At the Cairns car rental company we met a very nice and open-minded Swiss woman who has lived in Australia for 30 years.

Since it started to rain, we decided to do Kuranda a day later (wotsch se Reescheradaaar) and went to a mall in Smithfield to buy a few things.

In a few hours you can take more than 10 thousand steps and see a lot :)

Towards the evening we are back at our accommodation, in front of which a band is now playing chilled old songs from across the pop and rock world. Together with the sound of the sea, a beer and something to read, this is a very useful version of the evening.

This Sunday (September 24th, 2023) we start the tour to Kuranda. In addition to the “scenic” cable car, the rainforest with all kinds of animals awaits us there.

The weather was wonderful, the visibility was excellent. The cable car ride initially took us over the tops of the rainforest.

“The battle for the light” - as an app explains it - has been taking place here for ages. The ferns are clever and use trees to reach the very top into the light. There are large butterflies of all stripes, tree kangaroos and pythons that can reach 8.5 meters long.

The animals are so shy that they don't let themselves be seen.

The view of the rainforest was breathtaking and the pictures don't immediately convey that.

Once again we met people who supported us in a very friendly and helpful manner. During a phone call with Manu today, I asked her about it and found out that Australians are the same way in their daily interactions with each other - what a difference to Germany.

Kuranda itself is a magical place that not only sells cheap Chinese goods, but also offers genuine local craftsmanship. Today - even though it was a Sunday afternoon - it seemed pleasantly attended and by no means overcrowded.
