Day 8 from Strasbourg to Karlsruhe

Ku kandziyisiwile: 08.08.2018

Day 8 completed. Today started with a leisurely one-hour ride through the city and sights of Strasbourg. Then it continued from village to village across the border back to Germany. This also marks the last official national border. Upon arrival in Karlsruhe, there was still time to explore the city center. And indeed, after 7 days, I finally found a piano and was even able to gain some fans and spontaneously play a duet with someone. Awesome!

Karlsruhe is located in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg and is the second largest city in the state with about 310,000 inhabitants.

Nhlamulo (1)

Cool, dass du tatsĂ€chlich ein Klavier gefunden hast.. war doch bestimmt hart, eine Woche schon nicht spielen zu dĂŒrfen ;-) Gute Heimfahrt, bald hast du es geschafft!!!