Stage 21 'Nukus, Uzbekistan'

Ku kandziyisiwile: 26.06.2024

The drive to Nukus was quite pleasant. The road was in good condition and the distance was manageable. I arrived around noon, had time to get myself a SIM card, and explore the neighborhood a bit. To my delight, the Savitsky Museum is just around the corner, as well as a good Turkish restaurant. In the afternoon, I treated myself to a cappuccino and an ice cream. Both were delicious. The prices for food and drinks are incredibly low, similar to Kazakhstan. For dinner, I visited the same restaurant again, which was not a mistake. However, there is a small downside. So far, I have not been able to watch any Euro matches in Uzbekistan. Apparently, the games are not broadcasted here. 😏

One thing that caught my attention on the drive to Nukus was the change in landscape. It has become significantly greener. This could be due to the water not reaching the Aral Sea anymore, resulting in the well-known consequences.

Tomorrow, the museum is on the agenda along with some errands.


Swiviko swa maendzo Xiuzbekistan