The first days in our new environment

Ku kandziyisiwile: 27.01.2018

Since noon today we have a Chinese bank account with a card.

Unfortunately, there is no second card for an account here.

I will try to activate our account through WeChat. This is a commonly used payment method here. Everyone always has their phone with them to pay at the supermarket or other stores.

Yesterday we used our swimming pool and even there we saw someone with a phone that was wrapped in a waterproof case.

Phone in the car, on the bike, on the moped, at the swimming pool, simply everywhere and nobody gets upset about it.

There is a lot to see here. Everything is still new but incredibly interesting. Time flies by and somehow it takes much longer here to do everything that needs to be done.

However, shopping is very well organized. If you buy something at our Walmart, you can have the purchases delivered to your home without paying anything for delivery.

That is something I will definitely miss when we are back home.

My husband bought me a bike. We have already used it. We rode from our apartment to the beach. It's not very far, about 10 to 15 minutes by bike.

We rode about 30 km that day.

On the way, my rear tire went flat. Now we had to find a bike shop where we could get a new inner tube. It's not that easy without or with poor Chinese language skills.

We first filled it with air at a car repair shop, so I could ride a little further. Not far away, we discovered a small bike workshop. They were able to patch my tire.

That cost 10 yuan (1.30 euros).

Everything is very adventurous here.

