Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal weg
Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal weg

A wonderful day in paradise

Ku kandziyisiwile: 19.10.2018

Wake up and see the campsite's own koala looking down on you. What could be better.

The clouds have disappeared and made way for the sun. Good signs for a beautiful day.

Yesterday we didn't make it to Seal Bay (closes at 4:15 PM, then the seals have to sleep). So after breakfast and packing up and mentally preparing for the bumpy 2 km road, off to Seal Bay to see the seals. Oh, it was beautiful.

We were able to see the animals up close.

One even waddled past us just 2 meters away. Many mothers with pups. Just great.

The tour was rounded off with our first snake. A venomous black tiger snake.

We can also tick that off here. I just hope it remains the only one, because there are supposed to be many of them on Kangaroo Island.

A brief chat with a German couple and off to the next stop.

The Flinders National Park.

You remember, Flinders was the captain with the starved crew.

Quickly buy an entrance ticket and drive a 19 km hilly road to Admirals Arch. It was almost like riding a roller coaster.

Admirals Arch is located at the very end of Kangaroo Island on a beautifully scenic coast.

A long wooden walkway and stairs lead us directly there, past viewpoints.

A great place to linger, the color of the water, the breaking of the waves on the cliffs, seals sunning themselves everywhere.

We could have watched the water for hours here. It is so calming. If only the wind hadn't been so cold, we would have done that too. Fortunately, after almost 2 hours, the camera battery was empty, and as always, the charged one was dry and warm in the car, stupid.

But we wanted to continue to the Remarkable Rocks anyway.

A bizarre rock formation on a rocky outcrop right by the roaring sea. It's fantastic what nature can create.

Kangaroo Island is small, so we meet the couple from Seal Bay again. Another little chat.

Of course, Carsten wanted to take his favorite photos, the sunset pictures. But what do you do for the 2 hours until then?

The nice thing about a camper is that you always have everything with you. So we took out the table and chairs, poured two glasses of wine, quickly cooked some spaghetti, and we had to almost hurry to not miss the sunset.

We still had 20 minutes. Do you know how long 20 minutes can be when you're cold? Even thinking warm thoughts doesn't help, I've tried everything.

On the way back it was already dark, and the animal world becomes quite active. A hedgehog and lots of wallabies and kangaroos.

Full cute. Thank goodness nothing ran in front of our car.

And who do you think we meet when we arrive at the campsite? That's right, the two Germans. Another little chat. As it turns out, Karin and Nico are siblings from the Ruhr area, driving for 9 weeks in a camper from Sydney, through the Red Centre to Cairns. So our tour, but the other way around and without connecting flights.

You always meet three times in life. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Nhlamulo (2)

Herrlich Bilder,da möchte man direkt dabei sein! Euch noch eine schöne Zeit

Die Kängurus sind niedlich oder?

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