
Arrival & Layover in Stockholm

Yayınlanan: 02.03.2018

After a comfortable night in Ratingen (Thanks Markus!), we were picked up by a taxi this morning at 04:30. Since the taxi driver wasn't too concerned about the speed limit, we arrived at Düsseldorf Airport within a few minutes. After a smooth check-in and security control, we were sitting at the gate around 05:00. Our flight to Stockholm took off on time at 06:55, so we landed in Stockholm at 09:00 after a super relaxed flight.

In Stockholm, we were informed right away that our connecting flight to Los Angeles is unfortunately delayed by 2 hours. Furthermore, we didn't have boarding passes for this flight yet. After a 30-minute phone call (including a long waiting queue) with the organizer, we found out that we have to check in 'classically' at the airport. So we left the airport and checked in again. Due to the delay, we were compensated with €10 per person, which we could convert into something to eat. Said and done. We got 3x Grand Big Mac menus, 2x freshly tapped beer (at Maccas!) and 1x Flurry for a total of €6.50 ;-)

Now we've been sitting in the transit area for about 5 hours, waiting for our flight to LA. Boarding is supposed to start at 15:00. Fingers crossed!


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