Karos kleine große Weltreise
Karos kleine große Weltreise

12th/13th January 2018

Yayınlanan: 14.01.2018

Helloooo! 😊

Two completely relaxed and uneventful days (oh, there was actually an event, but I'll tell you about that at the end! 😊) are behind me, so there isn't much I could report. I spent a lot of time at the beach or by the pool, reading, eating, and sleeping. Sooo nice!

It's a bit cooler since the rain a few days ago, and many find the temperatures between 24-27 degrees too cold, so I often have the beach or pool all to myself. For me, these temperatures are perfect, I don't need 30 degrees+ 😊 Let me show you a few more pictures, since I don't have much else to tell.
I'm still afraid of a coconut falling on my head...
These swings are almost everywhere here. But no one really uses them properly. I think they're only used for tourist photos. 😅 It's really crazy, especially at sunset many tourists come to the beach just to take pictures of themselves. Of course, I also like taking pictures of sunsets. But one or two, and then I put my phone away and enjoy my drink or food. But sooo many people pose really silly and as soon as they are satisfied, they disappear from the beach. What are they here for, I wonder?

This is my favorite café: The Culture Café 😊 They serve breakfast all day - until late at night - and right by the sea. My favorite drink at the moment is freshly squeezed lemonade. Yummy - and so refreshing!

I'm often the last one at the pool. As soon as the sun is gone, I have it all to myself. 😊

The Ban's Resort now has 4 swimming pools. As Ban's is the largest diving school on Koh Tao and therefore has many students (I wanted to write 'students' - old university habit 😅), they need many pools because the refresher diving courses and the open water diving course always start in the pool, so you can learn and practice all the exercises in a safe area. There are now almost 80 diving schools on Koh Tao, isn't that crazy? Anyway, my favorite is pool no. 4. That's the newest one, the one you can also see in my video, and somehow not many people find their way there. 😊 However, in this picture you can see pool no. 2. My room is right next to pool no. 1.

My view from the pool bed. ♥

By the way, don't worry, my back and stomach don't get that tan because I prefer to wear my bathing suit. 😊 I feel a bit more covered with it and I can quickly put on some pants to run to the 7-Eleven (supermarket). Oh, and what suffers a lot is my skin. Saltwater, sun, sunscreen, sweat, ... not so optimal for my already sensitive skin! 😅

and the food... ♥ It's sooo hard for me to decide on a dish at EVERY meal. This salad had lots of roasted vegetables and yesterday I had a couscous salad with vegetables and raisins - also very tasty! ♥ But my all-time favorite is still the curry here. Mhhhh! 😋

Now the only event and then (for me) so exciting!

I received mail from the Bezirksregierung Detmold with the information about which ZfsL (Center for Practical Teacher Training) I was assigned to for my practical training. I was assigned to my second choice, the ZfsL Detmold, with a focus on 'Gymnasium'. It's a strange feeling. Actually surreal and still so far away, since I am on the other side of the world. At the same time, my practical training suddenly becomes tangible. It already makes me a bit nervous.

I had to fill out a few more forms (will it ever end?!), which my dear parents scanned and sent by email, and I was allowed to express my preferences for the school regions for which the ZfsL Detmold is responsible. Look, these are the places where I could end up:

None of them sound optimal to me, as I would have preferred to end up in Bielefeld and the surrounding area (because of friends, family, open-air theater, piano students, etc.). I am very nervous and now I have to wait until the end of March to find out which place and which school it will be. What would you recommend? Not that I could choose myself, but do you know some of these places and can you alleviate my anxiety a bit? 😅

Alright, I'm going to have lunch now. Best wishes!

Cevap (1)

Lippe Nord...Tip von Dirk...schreib weiter sooooo tolle Berichte...wir schauen jeden Tag nach, ob es etwas neues von dir gibt. Lg aus dem kalten Nammen (0 Grad)..