
Day 10 - Culture shock

Yayınlanan: 13.11.2017

Before I forget: The concert last night was a disaster. Maggie and I were the first visitors and decided to watch the development of the number of visitors from the café across the street. We didn't notice any. Maybe it was because of the beer that I drank for a change (Victoria Frost. Delicious!). A little later, the sounds of romantic ballads like "Smoke on the water" wafted over to us. I think it's nice to give a student band the opportunity to perform publicly. How else are they supposed to gain experience? Still, it was a nice evening with Maggie.

I still have a bit of cultural ambition, so today I visited the Museo San Francisco. It houses a total of five museums. One for colonial architecture, one for colonial residential culture, one for Christian traditions or something like that, one for traditional handicrafts, and one that I can't remember. I went through them in an hour. The museums here are somehow...simple. I don't know how to describe it. Often, there are only reproductions or photos of paintings, for example. They hang crooked on the wall and the frame is dusty. Or scenes from the past are depicted with hideous mannequins with painted eyes and ill-fitting costumes. The dolls don't even look a little bit like Nicaraguans, more like something out of a horror film from the 30s.

Yesterday I received the fourth comment on my blog! I'm not sure who it's from. They like it. I definitely won't be able to sleep tonight.

About the photos:

Here, things are still valued, not like in our consumer throw-away society. A bicycle gets two strong locks, even if it's very worn. Here, everything is used until even the most resourceful Nica can't repair it anymore. Somehow sympathetic.

If there's no more space on the clotheslines, the laundry is laid out on the roof and all the railings, ledges, etc.

And finally: Nicaraguan contemporary naive picture book painting from the museum.

Good night!

Cevap (4)


Hallo - ich lese fleissig ( jeden Bürotag) und mußte die Blogadresse schon an einige Kollegen weitergeben. Ich würde dir gerne ein paar Grad von den Außentemperaturen abnehmen. Auf unseren 'Stamm-Hügel' sind es heute 5 Grad - aber im Gegensatz zum Wochenende zumindest trocken.

Hola Enrique, me encanta que te gusta mi blog! Saludos a todos!

Hallo Karin, ich beame Dir mit Freude ein paar Grad rüber. Grüße an die Kollegen!