
South Island Trip - 23.4.2018

Yayınlanan: 06.05.2018

As some of our group members took the Franz Josef Helicopter Tours, a helicopter flight to the Franz Josef Glacier followed by a short walk on the glacier, in the morning, our group was slightly smaller than usual. However, we made good use of the time without the others by taking a walk to the Franz Josef Glacier. After that, we went to our second-to-last accommodation in Motueka. On the way there, we made a stop at the famous Pancake Rocks, named after their unique shape. We arrived quite late in Motueka, around 8 PM, due to the long bus ride, and I helped prepare dinner. Afterwards, we enjoyed the evening by sneaking out with a smaller group after lights out. We originally planned to go to the nearby beach, but when we couldn't find it, we just sat on a sidewalk, listened to music, and even saw shooting stars. Eventually, we made our way back and went to sleep, feeling content.
