
1.April - 16 Tage Exil bei Stephane

Nai-publish: 02.04.2020

After 12 days fresh bread and dessert that tastes really good.

So today, after the 16th day in exile,

the weather is beautiful in the sun, 12 degrees,

you're not allowed to go out, but ..

yes life is one of the most exciting ...

I greet all those who are still outside.

I still have to wait at least until the 15th here,

and if there is still a little extension from the state of France, it can come very quickly, that it will be completely pulled through until the 30th

but then we have already mowed the lawn four times, or the fifth time,

the hedge is also soon to be cut

everything is sprouting and blooming here ...

I hope everyone outside is doing well

and for those who remember me, I greet you very warmly

My friend and savior in this time and his family

>>>>> Stephane Limoge, France <<<<<<<

Director of 'Rassant hydrolique'

The most important thing in the end:

So, goodbye now.

