
Day of departure

Nai-publish: 03.07.2019

More than a year has passed since I came up with the idea and it started to grow. Six months in South America, from Rio to Ushuaia. From white sandy beaches and Caipirinhas to ancient Inca ruins, tropical rainforests, cattle farms, and deserts, all the way to the southernmost city in the world. A journey through the south of the south. Some familiar faces will wonder, 'What's wrong with this guy, no football only culture on the way?'. Those people can now breathe a sigh of relief because the usual football addicts will also have their share on this tour, as some countries and stadiums will be visited. But above all, this trip is about the journey itself.

Now the day has actually come, it is July 2, 2019, the day of no return. However, this was never a serious option, even though the family occasionally wished for it. Naturally, all the usual slogans like 'It's really dangerous there' and 'You quit your job for this?' were present.

However, in the end, it was mainly a bureaucratic process with various resignations, reporting of unemployment and ultimately moving out of the apartment. All for this one goal, to break free from the everyday routine.

Many asked for constant updates during the trip and if I would be writing a blog or something similar. And now here I am, sitting in the TAP airplane headed to the layover in Lisbon, typing the first lines for that exact blog, travel report, or whatever it may be. We'll see what it becomes and if the motivation to write can be maintained.

The reality of all this hasn't really sunk in yet. My mind is still in normal vacation mode. The last two weeks should have been enough to prepare. Multiple celebrations where no eye or throat remained dry and goodbyes to friends and family, where tears were shed. And yet, it still felt surreal this morning. A short trip to the registry office to change my address to my parents' house, a quick check of the contents of my travel bag.. a bit too heavy for the 8-kilogram limit of the Portuguese airline, but it should be okay somehow.

What followed was the announcement I've heard a thousand times before: 'On platform 1, the regional express train of line 1 to Frankfurt Oder is ready for you', at Brandenburg Hauptbahnhof. The 50-minute ride to Bahnhof Zoo flew by, with too many thoughts racing through my head and too many people sending messages with final greetings and advice that needed to be answered. But for now, put the phone aside, stylishly enjoy one last Currywurst-Pommes at Curry36 and allow myself the last Club Mate for a while, before the X9 would take me to Tegel Airport.

There were no complications going through security, which is never a problem in Berlin anyway, and then the bird took off with about an hour of delay. As a seasoned budget airline traveler, I'm not used to that anymore, especially since the outstanding seat in the emergency exit row came with complimentary drinks and really fine food: a wrap filled with salmon and vegetables, a piece of Portuguese soft cheese, and crackers, truly a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. After a rather uneventful flight of about three and a half hours, the pilot landed the plane more or less smoothly at Humberto Delgado Airport in Lisbon, and the first step was taken..

More about the arrival and time in Lisbon in the next post.. Ciao Kakao

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