
Post No. 2 - 1 day to Australia - the last days in Germany

Nai-publish: 13.08.2016

Hey everyone,

Finally, the time has come. I'm currently on the train to Hamburg and I'll tell you about my last days in Germany.

On the weekend of August 4-7, I went with some friends to the Cherry Beach Festival at Lake Bärwalder. This was a small, super cute festival that has only been around since 2015. The weather was great, the people were great, and of course, the alcohol level was high. There's not much more to say about it. Here are just a few pictures:

On Monday, I then went to my grandparents in Weißwasser and spent a few nice hours with them. Together with my grandma, I also made a list of the contents of my suitcase (from my trip to Spain) so that the friends of Germanwings can find my suitcase based on its contents. At this point, I had already given up hope of getting my things back before I leave for down under. The funny thing is that after my return from Spain, I made jokes about my suitcase not arriving with me before Australia, and now it's actually happened. Funny, right? Anyway, we immediately filed a claim for damages and demanded the maximum compensation of 1300€ for the lost suitcase. Let's see what happens.
Later in the evening, I relaxed at Johannes' place and the next afternoon, I went back home to spend some more time with my mom. At night, Alex came up with the brilliant idea to go on a road trip again, so Linda, Leon, Alex, and I went to the Merzdorf lookout tower.

On Wednesday, Michelle came to me and complained about my poor organization skills, so I let her pack my backpack. Thanks for that.
On Thursday morning, I picked up my salary at work and bought my train ticket to Hamburg at the train station. Then I went back home and prepared my final farewell party, which took place in the evening. It was nice to spend the evening with loved ones and be able to say a proper goodbye. Here are two pictures that describe the evening a bit better:

The next morning/afternoon was spent preparing for the family farewell party and saying goodbye to the last friends. In the evening, I had a barbecue with my family and had to say goodbye to my brother, which was tough, I tell you :'(. At night, I packed a few things in my backpack and now I just hope that I haven't forgotten anything. On Saturday morning, my family took me to the train station in Cottbus and from there I went to Hamburg via KW. The train journey was super easy and I arrived at the airport in Hamburg at 2 pm. At the check-in counter, I was told that my flight was blocked, which was a big shock for me, but after 5 minutes, the flight was opened again, so everything was fine. The police officers who then blocked off a section of the airport scared me a bit more, so I quickly went through security check and met my two pilots in front of the kiosk, and they were very entertaining :D. The flight actually took off a few minutes after 4:20 pm (because my imported food from Italy had to be loaded ;)), heading towards Dubai, where I am currently sitting. After a 6-hour flight, we are now on approach and I have 1.25 hours in Dubai to catch my flight to Sydney.
Since the internet in Dubai was so bad, I'm uploading this post now on the flight to Sydney. 10 hours have already passed and there are four more to go. The flight has been quite relaxed so far, as I've mostly been sleeping. The meals on both flights are, of course, not vegetarian *yay*, but it wasn't hard to ignore the meat.
Originally, the post was supposed to be filled with a few more pictures, but the OnAir Wifi is too bad to upload them. Maybe I'll add them later.

I'll check in when I'm in down under.



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