Wie kommt die Olive in die Flasche?
Wie kommt die Olive in die Flasche?

Blazing hot hiking day

Nai-publish: 01.03.2024

The temperatures are a pleasant 25 degrees and a light wind is blowing under my blouse. Then Paul offers me a hike together - HURRAY! :-) Dietmar has problems with his shoulder and is looking for a physiotherapist. We're leaving. A look back at the city and a few poor huts...

It's getting warmer and warmer, no shade and the sun is merciless. More like an orienteering race - you never know exactly where the path will lead and whether it won't end right away. Is this gate an entrance or an exit? Oh, sorry - we didn't know we were walking on private property... We just can't get over this mountain and I, a bore, don't feel like fighting my way across the bushes. So back and shortened here and... Caught! ...in the strictly guarded and fenced-in villa area. Not so easy to find the exit; especially since there are no pedestrians here.

Finally we've made it. Uber takes us home and we go out for a delicious meal at a street restaurant. I like Mexican cuisine.
