
Same same but different!

Nai-publish: 05.01.2018

This awesome headline was even thought up by Jonas, who was unintentionally to blame for the whole mess. But now from the beginning:

On the evening when I decided to fly home, we thought until late at night about how things would continue for both of us. Suddenly, everyone had their own plans. I think it was already after 12 o'clock when Jonas booked a combination flight from Kuala Lumpur via London to Frankfurt, and 5 days later further to Santiago for himself and booked my flight separately. I was thrilled that Jonas decided to fly home with me and spend the holidays in Germany. With this decision, we could both live well until then. Two days later, Jonas started to stutter that there might be something wrong with our flights and that we might be sitting in different planes. I didn't pay much attention to it, after all, everything had always somehow worked out for us. Only on the day of departure did I slowly become restless and finally wanted to know if something had really gone wrong. And it did!!

Two planes (with only 20 minutes difference) flew from Kuala Lumpur to London on the same day, but were supposed to arrive in London at the same time. One with Malaysian Airlines and one with British Airways. Jonas overlooked due to the hustle and bustle that there were different departure times and thought that the two airlines would probably only fly with one plane.

At the airport, we ran from counter to counter, but nobody could help us unless we booked a new ticket. This can't be true... but it didn't make much sense to me to pay another thousand euros just to sit on the same plane. Believe it or not, but I have never flown alone and I always rely on Jonas in such situations. Now I was on my own.... and for a whole 14 hours, the longest flight I have ever had!!! But we would see each other again in London and fly the last leg together to Frankfurt.

My obligatory confidence booster that I had already been diving with sharks gave me courage. I could do it=) Armed with a bag of M&Ms for an incredible €7, I marched through the security check and waited to board the plane. After all, I wasn't stupid... just a scaredy-cat!!!

I couldn't believe our bad luck when I sat in the plane in my seat (of course neither window nor aisle) and seriously the seat next to me remained empty. That would have been her reward!!! Since Jonas flew with British Airways, he of course got delicious European food, while I had to eat the stupid Asian food for the last time on Malaysian Airlines. The food was so spicy that I picked a little rice and ate a roll with butter. Well, let's see how it goes. Fortunately, both of my seat neighbors were very nice and the flight went surprisingly fast.

Arriving in London, I realized that my flight was delayed and I didn't have much time left. I ran to the transfer counter and asked the nice lady to print out my new boarding pass. At this point, I still had 35 minutes left!! The woman looked at me with big eyes and told me that I was already too late. Huh??? Give me that damn ticket and I'll run, I just thought. The woman wouldn't discuss it with me and offered me another flight to Frankfurt 1.5 hours later. I didn't want to believe any of this, but I also didn't know what to do. When I saw my chances fading away minutes later after countless discussions, I had no choice but to take the other flight. 'That will be €170, please'. 'I already have a ticket, my flight was just delayed'. 'Yes, you have two separate bookings, so that's your problem. Either you pay the €170 or you stay here'..... I could hardly believe my ears... you fly alone once and everything goes wrong. With tears in my eyes, I pulled out my credit card.

Finally arrived in Frankfurt, I waited forever at the baggage claim. With my luck, I now believed more that my backpack wouldn't come than that it would. But it did come after all=)

Thankfully, all the hardships were quickly forgotten when our surprise for Annelie and my family was successful. No one had any idea that we were coming=) I knew the whole time that a difficult time would come, I just suppressed it. Despite everything, I'm now glad to be with my family and to be able to support them. And for Jonas, it's off to South America now. Your dream will finally come true=) From now on, all blog entries will of course come from Jonas.

I wish you, my darling, a wonderful journey through South America, many exciting adventures, and new experiences. You know that I would have liked to continue the journey with you, even though I never really wanted to go to South America. I hope you send us lots of pictures, faithfully continue our blog, and always take good care of yourself! I love you!

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