

Nai-publish: 16.07.2023

After 630 km the northernmost point of our journey is reached. We arrived in wintery Broom at 32 degrees.

Imagine driving from Krefeld and the next gas station is just before Hamburg, 295 km away. In between, there is nothing, no town, no settlement, only 2 kangaroos that move on their own feet. The first ones we have seen in Australia.

Tomorrow we will stay here and do something on site, especially enjoying the 'winter'.

The rare roadhouses along the way all have their own flare, looking forward to a warm coffee and some company... here the paths of people from all over the world cross for a brief moment. You 'freeze' for a brief moment before pursuing your own goals again.

Nice, very nice...

A short detour to Eighty Mile Beach along the way, impressive 😵‍💫

Internet ok, Judith, I shouldn't write about it, sorry but it's bad today...😜

Sagot (3)

Ich möchte mir die Temperatur im Sommer nicht vorstellen, wenn im Winter dort 32 Grad herrschen 😅. Bei uns sind heute 23 Grad, kleiner Unterschied 😜. Genießt den schönen Winter und erholt Euch gut vor der weiteren Reise 🤗

Übrigens, der Baum auf einem der heutigen Bilder erinnert mich an euren Olivenbaum.

Es ist ein Flaschenbaum

Mga ulat sa paglalakbay Australia

Higit pang mga ulat sa paglalakbay