zu zweit auf Weltreise
zu zweit auf Weltreise

Christchurch: Finally in New Zealand

Çap edildi: 05.02.2018

7.1. - 12.1.

Arrived in Christchurch at 5am. It was really cold there... we looked around and thought 'Oh oh, cycling is going to be pretty chilly.'

Spent the next few days in the city. Though we were completely exhausted on the first day, we visited five bike shops right away. So we already looked around to see where we could best buy our bikes.

In the following days, we continued searching... and we found what we were looking for.

Couldn't wait for the journey to begin!!

Oh.. and as luck would have it, we also met Stefan, a fellow student of Pezi's!


Täze Zelandiýa
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