

Çap edildi: 23.12.2016

It took us 3 hours by car to get to the farm, which we spent getting to know each other. Annie told me a lot about the area. There is a couple from England staying at their house for a week who are on their honeymoon: Alison and Ben. There was a festival in Willalooka over the weekend, so another family with children is visiting them. They will be going home tomorrow. So, the house is full.
We arrived home around 9 pm in the evening. I was greeted by a dog, Gemma.

There was still a lot going on in the house and I was introduced to everyone. Alison made me toast with egg and then everyone went to bed. The backpackers usually sleep outside in a shed. But Alison and Ben are sleeping there. The guest beds are occupied by the other family. So, I had a mattress in Annie's office. I don't mind, I've slept in my car for weeks. Gemma is so smart and can open the door and then sits in front of me in the middle of the night. I don't have anything against dogs, but I'm not used to that. I couldn't really sleep because of my cold and all the impressions. Since the kids had a day off from school the next day, we all slept in. Simon went to the neighbors to shear sheep with Ben. The kids went with them and I followed Alison later. On the first day, I got to know the real Australia. We helped sorting wool and went back home. Alison showed me how everything works here this week. Annie sells cleaning products without chemicals from the company ENJO. I had never heard of it before, but it is an Austrian company. Then she throws parties like we do with Tupperware. Since she will be away for a week next week, I will take care of the household. The children: Bonnie 14 years old, Oscar 12 years old, and Digby 5 years old are all very nice. Oscar is also going away with Annie next week. So, there will only be the four of us.
On the farm, they have cattle, chickens, pigs, ducks, dogs, and cats. My task is to feed Gemma and the cats first thing in the morning. Bonnie takes care of the chickens and Oscar takes care of the pigs and ducks.

Alison & Me
Alison & Me

Ben, Alison, Digby, Bonnie, Me, Oscar
Ben, Alison, Digby, Bonnie, Me, Oscar

The first week flew by and now it was up to me to run the household alone. I had already made a menu plan for the week. Not so easy when all the recipe books are in English and you don't understand half of it. But they have a Thermomix and everything is easy with it :D

Most of the time I was alone all day. I had to drive Bonnie and Digby to the street at 8:00 in the morning, where they were picked up by the school bus. Digby still goes to kindergarten, but everything is next to each other. After that, I mostly took care of the chickens, pigs, and ducks. The flowers and the vegetable garden also had to be watered regularly. In the house, I had to do the laundry, empty the dishwasher, and sweep the floor. It means sweeping once a day and mopping 1-2 times a week. They have a small vacuum cleaner for the carpet that moves on its own. Around noon, I took my break. I either watched TV, read a bit, or just listened to music.
Simon was shearing sheep all week and didn't come home until dinner time.
There was a festival in the village on the weekend, where I met two French girls in the evening who are here with a student exchange program. Since the school year ends here at Christmas, they will soon be going home.

And again, another week was over and Annie and Oscar were back. On Monday, a couple came to sleep in the 'shed' as Annie rents it out through Airbnb. We made everything ready and had a barbecue in the evening with the couple. I made a rice salad with tuna and peaches. Normally, we use mandarins, but they didn't have any. They don't know such a rice salad, but it was very well received. The next week went by very quickly too and suddenly it was Saturday, my birthday. I was allowed to sleep in and was woken up at 10:00. We had pancakes for breakfast, which are only available at special events, mostly at Christmas. I also received small gifts: TimTam's, chocolate, a face sponge from ENJO, chemical-free body lotion, and a bracelet. I didn't have to do anything today and was allowed to go to the next biggest city with the kids, have lunch there, and then go to the swimming pool with them. A few days before, I received a bouquet of flowers as well, as a thank you for my great work while Annie was away.
In the evening, I called my family. I don't want to see the bill, but it's different to hear their voices and not just write on WhatsApp.

My time here was slowly coming to an end too. Dominik will come on Monday and stay here for one more night, and then we will leave for the Great Ocean Road on Tuesday. But he had a problem with his car and everything is postponed by one day.
Some little chicks hatched over the weekend and they named one after me. That's the only one of the two that survived. But it's really cute :)

The light colored one is named Verena
The light colored chick is named Verena

We really left on Wednesday. I didn't want to go...It felt like I was going away for a vacation and would come back soon. It was really hard for me and I held back a little tear.
It was a wonderful 3.5 weeks during which I felt almost at home again and could improve my English.
