
Tag 163 - fantastic

Çap edildi: 26.10.2019


- Jonna

Opposite the square, which was more of a makeshift solution because there is not much choice in the area, is a small museum. Yesterday we already peeked over the fence a bit and decided to take a tour of the open-air exhibition this morning. But because today we see the fine print sign with the $10 per person print, we disregard it and continue driving. Because yesterday was the koala's turn, Dad says that today will finally be the kangaroo day and he should be right. We stop several times to observe the sometimes huge animals. A group of wallabies also hops in the tall grass and gives the kangaroo day all the honor.

Because we covered a lot of distance today, we are glad when a sign appears at just the right time that lures us to a café. We drive through a river, a small forest area, and meadows and come to a campsite located on a river, where we are the only guests. We are in Hidden Valley, which turns out to be absolutely paradise. Colorful parrots sit on the balustrades, everywhere it is incredibly green, and from the cozy terrace you have a great view of the grounds by the river. We order fresh scones, fries and cola and stroll through the mini flea market that the owners have set up here. We soak up the relaxed atmosphere and briefly consider whether we should not stay here, simply because it is so idyllic, but then decide to drive the last kilometers to the next free place.

It is located on the grounds of the former village school, by a river, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. (In the building of the school, the residents have exhibited old photos and there is the possibility to stay here in bad weather.)

Next to us, a few cows are grazing and the trees are fully covered with flying foxes, which start flying out in the evening hours.

After dinner, we sit outside for a long time, listen to Lord of the Rings, and watch the impressive spectacle of the flying foxes.

- Jonna


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