

Çap edildi: 18.10.2018

Thursday, 11/10/18:

Today, the day we didn't want to think about yet, arrived. The last day of vacation. How quickly 4 weeks can pass. First, we had to check out of our wonderful accommodation; then we headed to Santa Cruz, which was just over an hour away.

The goal was the Santa Cruz Wharf, the longest pier on the West Coast of the USA. While hundreds of sea lions made themselves comfortable on the wooden planks under the pier, Steffi ordered her last portion of clam chowder on this vacation. Afterwards, we explored all the souvenir shops.

Next, we headed towards San Francisco. Along the way, we made several stops where Steffi pursued her passion for photography. She was particularly enchanted by various courtyards that were invaded by pumpkins, so we stopped there as well. We could admire pumpkins of all sizes there, as Halloween was just around the corner.

Then it was time to continue the last leg to San Francisco, where we arrived in the early evening. Since we didn't want to check in to our accommodation yet, we came up with an idea. We drove to Twin Peaks, since we still had the rental car and hadn't visited this place when we left San Francisco. It was still light when we arrived at the viewpoint. It was cold and windy, so we had to put on warmer clothes. But the view made up for everything. We stayed there for a while, so it was already dark. Gradually, the lights in the city came on and Steffi took some beautiful photos.

A little cold, we got back in the car, but we still didn't want to go to our accommodation. So our last destination of the vacation was Lombard Street, which we had already visited on our first day, together with many other tourists. This time we were alone. We drove slowly down the street from the top, while Steffi stood in the car and filmed from the sunroof. A great feeling!

Finally, we decided to head to the accommodation. The last night was here... somehow surreal, but everything beautiful has an end. In the last 4 weeks, we have seen and experienced a lot. The nature especially overwhelmed us, but the cities also had their charms. We will remember the experiences for a long time...

Thank you very much to everyone who accompanied us on our journey here.

LG, Steffi & Stefan

Jogap (2)

Es war großartig, euch hier so ein bisschen auf eurer Reise begleiten zu können! Fast so, als hätte man selbst die Tour gemacht... Vielen Dank, dass ihr uns mitgenommen habt!

Oh Anne, wir haben zu danken, dass wir die super schönen Eindrücke und all das Neue mit euch teilen durften. :)