
The torturers have shaped us

Çap edildi: 18.06.2018

On the day we wanted to reach Kiev, we decided to do a small repair on the car, which led to a whole string of necessary work. Of course, we did not have the key element necessary for this, so we ended up in nearby Shchytomyr. Searching for spare parts on a Sunday afternoon - not a good plan, and it was also not possible to continue driving... With a stroke of luck, we found a couch for the night, and its selfless owner was able to help us in many ways. Shower - the next morning incredibly good Ukrainian food - quickly found the necessary spare part - arranged accommodation in Kiev... Furthermore, she gave us the tip to make a stop at a picturesque lake on the way to Kiev, which later turned out to be the source of the marble for the Lenin Mausoleum. We are truly grateful to her for her helpfulness!
