
Nicky now also has a blog

Çap edildi: 09.10.2016

As you can see from the title, I am finally cool and have a blog ;)

This blog is actually only intended for my friends and acquaintances, so they know where I am hanging out. However, I have nothing against becoming rich and famous with it. Who doesn't?

So, this blog is about my trip to Bali, but let's start from the beginning.

Last New Year's Eve, I made a resolution to see more of the world. So far, it's the only resolution I've ever really stuck to.

So we started with the beautiful city of Amsterdam, accompanied by the lovely Vika. You can get there in 3 hours by FlixBus (from Bad Oeynhausen) and it only costs 22 euros, no comparison to the German Railway. It was a great city trip but two days are definitely too short.

Next was Dublin in April, this time alone. It was more of a 'test flight' to see if I could fly alone. Conclusion: Yes, I can :) It was only my second flight ever, but I managed without any incidents. I was in Dublin for 2 1/2 days and what can I say, that was also too little time. However, I learned to appreciate the advantages of solo traveling there. Dublin is a great city and somehow different from all the others. Maybe that's why I like it ;)

On the very next day after I returned from Dublin, I went straight to Prague, this time with all my friends. It was a birthday present for Lisa. There were a total of 8 of us and we had a fantastic weekend. Prague is a beautiful, old city with a lot of history and really good prices when it comes to food.

In June, it was time for a summer vacation with my boys. Four of my best friends and I went to Croatia (I didn't want to go there at first, but then I didn't want to leave). We were on the island of Korcula. Soooooo beautiful!!!! I have never seen such clear seawater. It was a perfect 8 days with a lot of Pivo and I even got a tan (for a very short time).

In August, I was in Stockholm with my two best girlfriends, Sarah and Lisa. Since I absolutely adore Sweden anyway, it was clear that I would love it there. Stockholm is incredibly expensive but also really dreamy. If I ever have a ton of money, the first thing I would buy is an apartment in Stockholm. Jag älskar Sverige.

In September, there was another birthday present for Sarah and we packed all our friends and went to Breezand (Holland). It was a great weekend with the best friends ever. Until then, I didn't know what 'Kibbeling' was but now I'm thrilled.

According to my calculation, I have already covered over 10,000 km this year. A true travel blogger probably finds that laughable, but I am thrilled with myself. In November, there will be a few more kilometers.

Because in November, the big journey finally begins. The journey this blog is actually about. Bali.

I am flying to the other side of the world all by myself and will enjoy life there for 4 weeks. When I read that, I sometimes think 'You're not all there'. That's exactly how it is! I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to do something crazy. It certainly won't all go as planned, but that's how you gain experiences. But I'll worry about what could go wrong when the time comes.

Currently, there are still 23 days until it starts. My backpack is waiting to be packed. A few things still need to be done but then it's finally time.

In November, I will regularly fill this blog with pictures and stories. So you know I'm still alive and to make you jealous with still shots :)

Until then, I'll just try not to burst with anticipation.

sampai bertemu lagi (goodbye in Indonesian)


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