
Titicaca Lake - between Peru and Bolivia

Çap edildi: 26.10.2019

Our last night in Peru we spent on a floating reed island called Los Uros. We stayed with a local family and had a hut made of reeds. This was the perfect conclusion to Peru.

After a two-hour bus ride, we arrived at the border and had to unload our luggage. First, we went to the Peru border where we had to get our passports stamped. Then we walked about 200 meters across the Bolivia border, where we got a stamp in our passports without saying a word, valid for 30 days. 15 minutes later we were already in Copacabana. In Copacabana, we mainly relaxed, enjoyed the sun, and went on a trip to Isla del Sol. There is not much more to see there, but we enjoyed it very much, especially having the sun on our faces at an altitude of 3800 meters. Of course, we couldn't resist climbing the local mountain. On one hand, because from there you can watch a splendid sunset over Lake Titicaca, and on the other hand, because it's another 4000-meter peak above sea level.

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