
...back to Christchurch.

Çap edildi: 14.12.2018

I start the day off relaxed, take a short trip to Cape Faulwind and the Taiwanese Sea before heading into the hinterland towards the east. I take the northern of the 3 connections between the west and east, which leads over the Lewis Pass (860m). The road meanders slightly uphill, dense forest is replaced by bare slopes, it reminds me a bit of the Alps. A small stretch of pass, then cultivated landscapes again and finally the Pacific. Duncan kindly invited me to come directly to him, we spend a truly entertaining evening together.

I experience an incredible hospitality here, I am accommodated and cooked for, Duncan even provides me with a parking space on his property. I only hope that I can give something back someday. Duncan, once again, thank you very, very much for your support and hospitality.

Then I put the bus away and pack it up neatly, it can now rest and develop new quirks for the next 10 months. Of course, it didn't pass the test, but at least I will be able to get the windshield and brakes here. In the afternoon, I can have fun with Duncan's chainsaw, so now I have already felled my first trees in New Zealand. Bad for my karma, I will surely be reborn in a concrete desert. In the evening, I join the community movie night. Duncan's neighborhood meets monthly for dinner and a subsequent movie night, today they're showing 'Witness for the Prosecution', a movie with Marlene Dietrich. A lovely evening with nice people and a wonderful end to my time in New Zealand....
