Hochzeitsreise USA 2016
Hochzeitsreise USA 2016

Day 30 - From LA to Zurich

Çap edildi: 25.09.2016

4 weeks ago, our adventure across the USA began. In these 4 weeks, we visited incredibly many beautiful and exciting places and return to Switzerland with many unforgettable impressions.

Altogether, we visited 12 small and large cities, traveled through 9 states, visited 7 national parks, flew a total of 19,766km, traveled 340km by train, and drove 2,950km by car. We walked 288km in total.

Personally, it was my first time in the USA, and I am very impressed by this country. Even though one can argue about the foreign policy carried out by the USA, it is still a beautiful country that offers countless attractions. Whether it's huge metropolises, lonely desert towns, beautiful national parks, good food, affordable shopping opportunities, great shows and entertainment, and much more. I believe everyone can find something here that suits their preferences. :-)

We were particularly impressed by the many extremely kind and courteous people we met on our long journey and with whom we were able to have exciting conversations.

I would like to thank all the readers of our travel blog and I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing. Hopefully, the posts were not too boring, most of them were written late at night after a long day when my creativity was no longer at its peak. :-)

Thanks also to my wonderful wife Michelle, who endured it with me for 4 whole weeks *g* and took many beautiful pictures of our trip!

We are now looking forward to the return flight and the reunion with our families and friends.

Of course, you are welcome to contact us for hotel and excursion tips or any other information about our trip.

Take care and see you soon!


Jogap (1)

Danke fuer die tollen Berichte und schoen, dass es Euch so gut gefallen hat. Vieles hoert sich sehr vertraut an :) Jetzt versteht ihr viellicht, warum wir uns in Boston seit fast 3.5 Jahren pudelwohl fuehlen und wenn ihr wieder an die Ostkueste kommen solltet: wir sind nur 4.5 Busstunden von NYC entfernt :) Wuerde mich freuen!! Liebe Gruesse & guten Heimflug!! Corinne
