We are now saying goodbye to you. The alarm clock rings at 3:50 am. 🙈 It was a super cool trip with many beautiful impressions that we will never forget. It was great that you were there.
Your Di Sabatino's and Studi's
Jogap (2)
Nani: härzlige Dangg für die tolle Fotis und die abwäggsligsryychi Brichterstattig. I has gnosse 🥰😘
Euch e gueti Heimreis 🍀
Bebbi: Liebi "malejagoescali" - Schryberling, mit eure Bilder und spannende Brichtli hän Ihr uns mitgnoo uffe wunderschööni Reis. Merci vyylmool - oder 'thanks a lot!'